
An all-in-one place to find, manage
and create projects

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Create and explore projects

Find projects and startups that cater to the skills you're trying to improve through the comfort of your own phone. Filter your search based on your passions and work with like-minded individuals!

Join projects with the click of a button

Bookmark projects that you love or request to join them with ease. Getting involved has never been this easy.

Build and manage your team with ease like never before

Sort through students interested in working with you and begin growing your team - for once you have a community of people interested in doing things.

Collabs makes innovation easy

Our mission is to streamline the way in which college students collaborate on new ideas and bring innovation to life at universities. Finding teammates or even meaningful ideas to work on is not always so simple. That's why Collabs is here, we want to help you succeed, we want to help you innovate.


German Flores

Product Manager

Sasri Dedigama

Product Designer

Buka Cakrawala

iOS Developer

Peter Xu

UX Designer

Shan Hannadige

Design Consultant

Tracy He

UX Designer

Kim Pham

iOS Developer

Alejandro Pimentel

iOS Developer

Sign up for our Beta launch!

Become an early adopter for the most innovative platform to ever hit your campus! Just simply send us your email and we will be in contact with you shortly for our beta launch. You'll have the opportunity to make an everlasting impact that will help students like yourself thrive and find amazing projects to work on!

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